Just like we dedicate all our passion for providing a unique stay and experience, at the Lasala Plaza hotel we make every effort to make the hotel an asset for the planet; a pillar contributing to the good social, cultural and environmental health of our surroundings.
Since the beginning and during the definition of our hotel model, we chose to generate our own geothermal and photovoltaic energy and decided to only consume renewable energy. As the management policies of the different sections were defined, we made a commitment, for example, to transition towards Zero Paper through the use of QR codes, working on the circularity of our waste and incorporating the km0 concept in our supply policy.
In this section we tell you how we face the collective challenge of caring for the planet, including our commitment in our different lines of activity.
At Lasala Plaza consuming km0 products is a priority for us. Our gastronomic offering is the result of a continuous effort to support local producers and their artisan manufacturing methods.
· We have a model for the measurement of waste generation that helps us quantify and decide how to reduce waste in each area.
· Dispensers instead of individual amenities in the rooms. Reduction of 50.04 kg of plastic and 28.47 kg of bars of soap in 2023 due to the change of format.
· We participate in the Nespresso coffee capsule collection program.
· Agua KM0: our guests have micro-filtered local water bottled in glass to avoid transporting plastic bottles.
· We collaborate in the ItsaSOS project through the fitting of a plaque on our outdoor sewerage system in order to raise awareness about urban waste that ends up in the sea.
· We use blankets made up of 50% reused materials for La Jarana Taberna. Each tablecloth is made up of 8 plastic bottles.
· Digitisation instead of stationery: we have a digitised check-in process, QR codes in common areas and rooms, and 100% digitised administration and billing.
· We are part of the San Sebastian City Council Zero Plastik Hotel project for the improvement of waste management.
· We generate our own geothermal and photovoltaic energy for almost 50% of our consumption.
· We use 100% renewable contracted energy.
· We limit the temperature of the air conditioning in common areas to 22°C (with a variation of 2ºC).
· The exterior of our building makes use of luminaires that avoid light pollution and reduce energy consumption.
· All common areas and rooms have lights with dimmers.
· At Lasala Plaza, consuming km0 products is a priority for us. Our gastronomic offering is the result of a continuous effort to support local producers and their artisan manufacturing methods.
· We recommend businesses and establishments who we believe share this objective with us.
· Leftover food is used to feed the team, in this way avoiding the generation of more food waste.
· We promote responsible tourism through rental bicycles located at the hotel entrance.
· Our purchasing policy is governed by a strict criterion of sustainability in the most important consumable items.
· We have water flow reducers in all the rooms.
· The changing of towels in rooms is carried out on request.
· All our toilets are dual flush with two buttons for higher and lower flow.
· We are part of the Donostia City Council initiative to offer tap water to customers who request it in La Jarana Taberna.